Make Them Count

Happy New Year!It’s a new year, and some of us are trying to tone down the stress in our lives.  Maybe we should smile. It might make someone else’s day less stressful, too.

Maybe you’re like me and want to write a book in 2015. Do it. Your words may speak to someone in ways you can’t even imagine.

Why not start that business you always wanted to run? Better yourself–and the world around you.

New Year’s resolutions are for everyone. Make them count.

3 thoughts on “Make Them Count

  1. Stop using excuses as a crutch, explanation sure. But no longer as a crutch to fail. To quote a line from the movie Shawshank Redemption, “You gotta get busy living, or get busy dying!” It’s time to get busy “Living”. Go Get “Yours!”


  2. Now that we are also into our second week of the new year, remember that success is defined by yourself and it shouldn’t be society’s perception of success. What is your view of success with this project? Is it to sell it, reach people, better yourself or is it just the simple act of finishing that project? Establish your goals and what success means to you and if you do fail, so what? Just pick up where you left off and try again. What’s really the worst that can happen?


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